Mobile Website Optimization

A force to be reckoned with...

Mobile phones have come a long way in the last decade, they are no longer phones, but mini computers in the palm of our hands.  It’s no wonder that mobile search accounts for over half of all searches for a vast amount of keywords!

With the proliferation of mobile devices, the way websites are designed has gone through major transformation.  Todays modern websites should all have a mobile version that is specifically designed to be viewed on your phone.

No more zooming in and out and being frustrated by tiny text that is illegible, waiting forever for giant images to load, or awkwardly trying to fill in a form that’s designed to be viewed on your desktop…

Your mobile website should be designed around mobile and tablet screen sizes.  It should have its text, images, forms and any effects optimized for the mobile experience.

A properly optimized mobile site will load fast, be easy to read, and provide an experience that is just as fluid as the one on your desktop!

Optimizing your mobile website will not only make your end users happy but it is now a major component of your website experience, therefore overall rankings performance.  This was made clear by the major search engines a few years back, and it is now a quantifiable metric.

We ensure that all of our mobile website designs are laid out for easy navigation, readability and speed.  We run several industry leading tests on the completed mobile site to ensure it meets or exceeds the industries highest standards for speed and readability compliance.

We also add convenience features like a one click dial company phone number and a maps feature that automatically opens up phone navigation to your location, all without excessive typing, memorization or having to cut n’ paste the address into a calling or nav app.